vendredi 1 janvier 2016

Home rules

Instagram de Julie de Libran
At home :

1. The last one eating breakfast clean the table out
2. We  keep the house clean : no dirty rugby gear in the hallway, no shoes scattered on the floor, no overcoat spread on the sofa
3. At night, we ask each other about our day
4. We eat dinner together every night
5. We toss and flush, put the seat down and don’t leave the door ajar when leaving
6. After eating, we put place setting in dishwasher
7. We eat all vegetable in our plate
8. We try to be in a good mood
9. We speak our concerns out
10. We help each other
10. We hug and kiss and laugh a lot
11. We don't use our phone when eating
12. We are polite at all time
13. We take a shower everyday
14. We don’t swear out (loud).
15. We go to bed early. We rise early (except on week ends and vacations)
16. We eat a lot of chocolate

( rédiger des règles de la maison comme devoir de vacances d'anglais de 4ème n'est pas une si mauvaise façon de passer sa journée)

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